GWP-C Database on Caribbean IWRM Expertise

Download the "Global Water Partnership-Caribbean (GWP-C) Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) Expertise Database for the Caribbean" here.

Caribbean Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) Expertise Database

The aim of this database is to further cooperation in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in the Caribbean by sharing information on the technical focus area/s of agencies, highlighting staff with particular technical skill sets pertinent to IWRM. General organisation information is also provided in the database including: the mission/mandate organisation structure and contact information. The need for such a database has been highlighted at a number of fora including meetings of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Consortium of Water Institutions.

The database focuses on Global Water Partnership-Caribbean’s (GWP-C’s) network partners and strategic allies. These range from CARICOM technical agencies to NGOs, Universities and Government agencies. The private sector companies included in the database are all GWP-C Partners. All these agencies were contacted and if they agreed to be included in the database, they completed questionnaires which were then collated and compiled by GWP-C into the downloadable expertise database. The database will be updated periodically to include inter alia new members of the GWP-C network. While a wide range of organisations are included in the database, the inclusion of an organisation within the database does not reflect an endorsement of any agency or individual by GWP-C.