Work Package 2: National and Sector Development Plans

Detailed description:

The “National Economic Development Plan” refers to the state of the national economic development of the various elements of the specific arrangements that is divided into long-term plan (usually ten years), medium-term plan (generally five years) and short-term plans (also known as the annual plan), including economic development plans, scientific and technological and social development plans, the direction of the provisions of national economic development, size, speed, and efficiency proportional relationship is a programmatic document guiding the development of the national economy.

The “National Economic Development Plan” is developed based upon the plan of each sector and the Ministry of Water Resources  drafts the National Water Sector Development Plan. The programme will enable the integrated water security and climate resilience principles to be covered into the sector development plan.  Accordingly, the sector development plan will be one of elements of the national development plan.

The 13th Five-Year (2016-2020) Plan will be drafted from 2014. In the drafting process, the concept of the integrated water security and climate resilience is included into the development plan.

The GWP China, Hebei, Shaanxi, Hunan and Fujian, work with the Provincial Governments to adapt the content of integrated water security and climate resilience into the provincial development plan and sector plan of each province.

Work Package Outputs:

(1) Support the Central Government to include the contents of water security and climate resilience into the next National Economic Development Plan (2016-2020) and National Water Development Plan at the central government level, by GWP China;

(2) Facilitate the provincial governments in Hebei, Shaanxi, Hunan and Fujian to include water security and climate resilience in the Provincial Economic Development Plan (2016-2020) and Provincial Water development Plan, by GWP China Provincial Water Partnerships of Hebei, Shaanxi, Hunan and Fujian.