Entrenching a water-demand culture among students

From 15-17th August, 2016, the Global Water Partnership Southern Africa conveyed Water Demand Management skills to a group of Masters Students undertaking the Water Demand Management Module being offered at the University of Western Cape. By virtue of the University of Western Cape being a WaterNet member, and GWPSA’s close affiliation to WaterNet, the 2 institutions were able to work together to build human capacity in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). 

The lecture was given by Mr. Armand Houanye, GWPSA’s Africa Programme Officer. The lecture was on Integrated Urban Water Management, with a focus on the Urban Water Security Programme being developed by Global Water Partnership.

The overall Water Demand Management course contributed to students being able to:  

  • Critically analyse water demand management and its application
  • Apply water demand management strategies in different settings
  • Demonstrate an improved understanding of the inter-relationships between socio-political processes, technical processes and hydrological processes on access to water in urban areas

The Water Demand Management coursework further contributes to entrenching a water demand culture in the SADC region, thereby contributing to the goals of regional integration and poverty alleviation through the principles of pro-poor, efficient and sustainable water utilisation. The programme is in line with the SADC Regional Strategic Action Plan on Integrated Water Resources Development and Management.