WACDEP 4th Technical Coordination Workshop

Global Water Partnership – Southern Africa (GWP-SA) will be hosting the 4th Water, Climate and Development Programme for Africa (WACDEP) Technical Coordination Workshop. The workshop will be held in Pretoria, South Africa from January 28-01 February 2013.

The workshop aims at strengthening exchange of lessons, knowledge sharing and technical coordination of WACDEP implementation among the GWP regions.

Expected participants include GWP partners from all participating regions and key stakeholders from the water and climate change sector: African Minsters Conference on Water (AMCOW), ministries, development banks and NGOs.

The format of the 4th WACDEP Technical Coordination Workshop will comprise the following key meetings catering for different participants:

  1. WACDEP Africa Programme meeting (28-29 January): This component will focus on sharing progress and lessons gained during the initial implementation of the WACDEP regional/country work plans. It will place an emphasis on WACDEP implementation structures and involvement of GWP partners in the programme especially at country and local level. Other discussions will include financial management, monitoring and evaluation, as well as strengthening gender mainstreaming and knowledge management and communications in the implementation process.
  2. Reference Group Kick-off Meeting (29-30 January): The Reference Group (RG) will provide demand driven technical oversight and support to the implementation of the programme. The meeting aims at ensuring that all members on the global and local levels have a common understanding of their role during the implementation of the Programme.
  3. Inception Workshop-AMCOW Capacity Development (30 January): This one-day inception workshop will discuss the proposed implementation plan of capacity development in the 8 countries and find ways of increasing synergies within GWP partners, RWPs and CWPs.
  4. Training Workshop-Framework for Water Security and Climate Resilient Development (31 January-1 February): The workshop will enhance understanding and appreciation of the concepts and methods in the Technical Background Document. It will further ensure that regions and countries can apply concepts and tools in the implementation of the WACDEP.

WACDEP supports integration of water security and climate resilience in development planning and decision making process. It is initiated in eight countries – Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Ghana, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tunisia, and Zimbabwe – and in five river basins/ aquifer systems – Kagera Basin, Lake Chad, Limpopo Basin, North-Western Sahara Aquifer System and Volta Basin.

For more information, download the programme agenda.

The full workshop report is available here.

Further information may be obtained from:

GWP Southern Africa
c/o IWMI 141 Cresswell St
Weavind Park
Pretoria, South Africa
Phone: +27 12 845 9119 (direct office line)
Fax: +27 12 845 9110
Email: a.takawira@cgiar.org