/ South Asia

Source to Delta: in alliance with urban and agriculture sectors

The session on “From Source to Delta: Collaboration with urban and agricultural stakeholders” was held on 4 December 2019 from 10.30-12 noon at Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall (BMICH), Colombo, Sri Lanka.
/ South Asia

WASH-Climate Resilience training in South Asia

A climate resilient, WASH and Climate financing training was held from 16-18 July in Kathmandu, Nepal convened by UNICEF Regional Office for South Asia (ROSA). It is a collaboration between UNICEF ROSA, UNICEF Headquarters (Water and Climate Team), and the Global Water Partnership (GWP).
/ South Asia

ROSA Wash Climate Resilience Training: 16-18 July, Nepal

A climate resilient WASH and Climate financing training is scheduled to be held from 16-18 July in Kathmandu, Nepal convened by UNICEF Regional Office for South Asia (ROSA). It is a collaboration between UNICEF ROSA, UNICEF Headquarters (Water and Climate Team), and the Global Water Partnership (GWP).