Cameroon - Enabling Environment

Action 6 - Updating legislation and regulations on the protection of natural resources and the environment

In 2019, under the leadership of Cameroon Ministry of Water and Energy and with the technical support of GWP Central Africa, stakeholders from national government agencies, development partners, NGOs, civil society, and the private sector came together to define a series of strategic actions for advancing on IWRM in Cameroon. The following action was defined as part of that process and identified as a priority action to be included in an action plan.

The purpose of this action is to update current legislation on natural resources and environmental protection, by updating the institutional framework for management of natural resources, addressing overlaps and conflicts in resource protection, and disseminating information on the implementation of regulations.

IWRM Dimension: Enabling Environment
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 1.1b. National law(s)
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.6 Water-related ecosystems, - 6.A WASH cooperation and capacity building, 13. Climate action