Program Manager's visiting tour to CWPs

Preliminary planned Project Manager’s trip to the pilot sites at the end of 2013 could not be implemented due to various organizational, financial and visa problems. Starting from the first quarter of 2014 the familiarization with the ongoing work on the program pilot sites began in coordination with the national project teams.

The first pilot site visit was carried out in the Republic of Kazakhstan and it was combined with the Water Partnership project inception workshop. Dates of the pilot site visit in Kazakhstan are 27 February - 1 March 2014.

The pilot site is located in the Kyzyl-Orda Province of Kazakhstan and the project is part of a project jointly implemented by CWP-Kazakhstan and the Kazakhstan Rice Research Institute on the demonstration field of irrigated lands of LLP "Shagan Zher" in Syrdarya District of Kyzyl-Orda Province. Project action plan includes a range of interventions to manage water regime, water saving and rational use of irrigation water in the rice crop rotation.

Given that the pilot site visit coincided with the winter, the implementation of planed activities had not yet begun, with the exception of the inception workshop "Drought risk management: solutions for water demand management in irrigated agriculture." The workshop was attended by representatives of local government offices (akimats) of Kyzyl-Orda Province, heads of water management organizations, farmers and heads of farms as well as representatives of international projects and programs. On behalf of the GWP CAC Program the workshop was attended by the Project Manager Mr. Djailoobaev A.Sh. and Project Manager for Uzbekistan Mr. Mukhamedjanov Sh.Sh.

On March 1 the trip to the pilot field was made. A meeting with the management and employees of LLP "Shagan Zher" was held, including team members in charge of the experimental field implementing all kinds of farm works. A detailed conversation with the head of LLP "Shagan Zher" Mr. Berdikul Kadyrov, his deputy Mr. Zhanabergen Bakanaev, Chief Agronomist and Chief Hydrotechnician Mr. Abdikarim Serikbaev and rice grower Mr. Danabek Shakhanov was held.

During March 3-10, 2014 the trip for the South Caucasus was made.

The introduction and discussion of the pilot project and facility in Azerbaijan was held. The pilot field in Azerbaijan is located on the territory of Jafarhan pilot reclamation station of the Azerbaijan Research and Production Association "Az NIIGiM". Research will be carried out on cotton and alfalfa with different types of irrigation (irrigation with ditch water, drainage water, their combination in different proportions, etc.). It is planned to achieve the following results: more rational and economical use of water resources; a more stable yields under water deficit; better responsiveness of land and water users to climate changes; development of the recommendations for production of the mentioned crops with the consideration of the climate change.

Next trip was made to a pilot facility in Armenia, which is a construction work of the second phase of a project of the lagoon type wastewater treatment facilities in the village Paraqar. The familiarization with the facility was held as well as a meeting with the Paraqar mayor's office where possible co-financing, terms of works, assistance from the Mayor’s Office to accelerate the procedures for review and decision on tender and competition issues were discussed.

Georgia. The goal of the demonstration is to conduct in Sakire village actions against dangerous natural phenomena (landslides, mudflows, floods), which will help to mitigate / reduce risk of natural disasters, as well as increase the welfare of the local population. The following are project objectives: Increasing knowledge of population living within the Borjomi region about the existing natural disaster phenomena, and develop recommendations on behavior in extreme conditions. Community mobilization around specific environmental issues. Carrying out special activities with the participation of the community against landslides; drainage of the village and implementation of the bank protection works on the section of the river, passing near the village and threatening the population during floods.


Uzbekistan. Pilot facility includes two demonstration sites located on the farm "Kahramon Davlat Sahovti" within the Water Users Association "Kodirzhon Agzamzhon" in Kuva district of Fergana Province. Demonstration plot (field #1) of 1.0 hectare in 2014 will be under winter wheat. Demonstration plot (field #2) of 19 hectares in 2014 will be under cotton.

The Kyrgyz Republic. The pilot facility is located in the village of Tash-Aryk in the ayil aymak Dolono of Talas Province; it is an experimental field on “Kozhobekuulu Aymanbek” farm where it is planned to grow beans. It is planned to create demo irrigation system adapted to climate change, ensuring efficient use of water and land resources, rational water use through improvement of the irrigation network and water accounting facilities based on the implementation of resource saving management and operation technologies. It is possible to demonstrate modern methods and means of water accounting, efficient methods of irrigation and cultivation of beans and show the benefits of the implementation.

Turkmenistan. The main objectives of the demonstration project implemented in Turkmenistan include development and testing of innovative water saving furrow irrigation technology for cotton - one of the main strategic crops (along with winter wheat) cultivated in Turkmenistan. Currently, the research is conducted at the experimental field of 5 ha within the national demonstration project "Development and testing of innovative water saving furrow irrigation technology of cotton."

Tajikistan. Visit to the project site is planned for a later date, probably July 2014.