Knowledge and Awareness

WP7: Knowledge and Awareness

Activity 7.1: Development of the Compendium of Good Practices

A Compendium of Good Practices will include a review of drought management projects implemented in European countries (not limited to participating countries). Cooperation with the European Drought Centre, European Drought Observatory, Drought Management Center for Southastern Europe (DMCSSE), United Nations Economic Commision for Europe (UNECE) and other relevant institutions will be initiated. The Compendium will also include demonstration projects.

Activity 7.2: Raising awareness (dissemination activities)

An IDMP CEE communications strategy is being elaborated by the Project Manager in cooperation with the Communications Officer of GWP CEE. It is focusing on increasing the awareness of drought issues in the CEE region, communicating the knowledge gathered, and supporting the programme in reaching political and governmental authorities. The communication channels in each particular activity will be chosen according to the target audience. Printed media, online and social media, radio and TV appearences, workshops, competitions and other activities are envisaged.

The first general brochure about the programme can be downloaded here.