Forum on Water and Sustainable Development

On March 22, 2015, in Shanghai, the World Water Day, the Forum on Water and Sustainable Development was organized jointly by the Society of Enterprises and Ecology (SEE) and Xingye Bank with the support of the UNESCO, WWF, MAB and GWP China as well as some companies such as Coco-cola, Wanko, Yikang, etc. More than 300 people attended the opening ceremony of the Forum.

Prof. Hao Wang, the Acting Chair of GWP China and Mr. Rugang Zheng, the Coordinator of GWP China participated in the event.

Among others, Mr. Hans d’Orville, the Special Advisor to the Director General of UNESCO and Prof. Mehri  Madashahi, the President of Global Cultural Networks made speeches at the opening session followed by two keynote presentations by Prof. Hao Wang on China’s water resources management policies and Prof. Yi Wang, Director, Institute of Science and Technology Policy and Management, Chinese Academy of Sciences on strategic role of water on sustainable development. After the opening session, there were four thematic sessions on green growth, water treatment, water protection and water strategy for enterprises.

At the opening session, the Declaration of Shanghai was also adopted calling for actions on solving the problems of water and development from ecological point of view, protecting water resources by more enterprises, encouraging the enterprises to let their employees and customers to get to know more about water and the nature and supporting the social communities to protect water resources for the sustainable economic and social development.

Mr. Rugang Zheng had discussions with Mr. Limin Wang, the Acting Secretary General and Mr. Xia Guo, the Deputy Secretary General of SEE about the future cooperation between the two organizations.


Photo from SOHO-News