SDG6 IWRM Support Programme Kenya Funding Match Making Initiative

Incentive Based Mechanism for Private Sector Support.


The Funding Matchmaking Initiative aims to match country-defined priorities for water management improvements which are lacking financing or only have partial funding, with local funding sources, donors and other funding agencies that have available financing but which are not currently investing in water management at the scale required or in the most coordinated manner. To do so, it aims to leverage political and financial in-country support for the implementation of the actions in the coming years, to accelerate progress on the water-related SDGs, in line with the SDG 6 Global Acceleration Framework.

Readmore about the Funding Matchmaking Initiative

The Journey

Kenya participated in the Stage 2 IWRM action planning process in 2019-2020 and identified several priority actions to be implemented. Out of the six main priority actions, one was selected in particular to focus on private sector engagement in water resources management. This was named Developing an incentive-based mechanism for Private Sector support to IWRM. 

In particular, under the initiative, an investment package was developed and presented to stakeholders with the objective to enhance conservation and sustainable management of the catchment ecosystem for improved economic and social welfare in the Athi River Catchment Area. This initiative has been led by the Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation (MWSI) from Kenya, with the support of GWP Eastern Africa and the Kenya Country Water Partnership.

The rallying call

Comprehensive IWRM planning processes under this framework necessitate integration of key stakeholders and partners at local, regional, and national levels. Achieving this calls for establishment of multi-stakeholder platforms (MSPs) that bring key players together for better understanding of the scope and dimensions of the IWRM challenges and opportunity to develop shared priorities and work towards cost-effective solutions including piloting and proofing technologies, products, services, business models, public service delivery models, policy and regulatory innovations, and norms that together deliver new results. Strong Government leadership is essential in creating an enabling environment and building the political capital that is needed.

The Intervention

Since the Matchmaking kick-off meeting on 8th November 2021, tremendous progress has been made and two major deliverables have been drafted for finalization after discussions with key private sector actors. These are development of an integrated investment package and the pitch for presentation to potential donors.

This Integrated Water Resource Management Investment Package (IWRM-IP) presents integrated set of catchment conservation activities united under the common goal to enhance conservation and sustainable management of the catchment ecosystem for improved economic and social welfare. The package identifies and integrates the most critical catchment conservation funding priorities and serves as a marketing/ pitching tool for mobilizing new IWRM conservation funding flows.

The IWRM-IP encompasses the various catchment conservation activities targeted for upper Athi River Catchment Area as a pilot site. The investment package will be used to prepare pitches to identify partnership opportunities with other players including private sector partners, national or departmental governmental budgets, development partners or donors. The catchment conservation priorities have been structured and consolidated into four bankable Investment Packages (IP) consisting of 16 projects, thus providing a bouquet for potential funders to pick from. The 4 investment packages are:

  1. Catchment wise use and sustainable management
  2. Conservation awareness, capacity, and governance
  3. Sustainable livelihood opportunities
  4. Strengthening conservation law enforcement and sustainable management.