Cap-Net UNDP

Cap-Net is UNDP´s global network for capacity development in sustainable water management within the Global Water and Oceans Governance Support Programme. Cap-Net and GWP collaborate closely to design and implement needs-based knowledge and capacity development programmes for water professionals around the world.  

About Cap-Net’s Work

The Cap-Net is a UNDP programme that aims to strengthen individual and institutional capacity, and knowledge base to formulate and implement relevant policies, laws, and strategies at country, regional, water basin, and source-to-sea scales. Cap-Net’s work is based on three pillars (capacity development, partnership strengthening, and knowledge management) and centered around 5 thematic areas (water governance, climate change, ecosystems, innovative solutions, and gender inclusion). Cap-Net’s capacity development support contributes to accelerating structural transformations for sustainable development and development resilience to crises and shocks.

Cap-Net Affiliated Networks

The Cap-Net’s strength lies with its 23 affiliated networks. The networks are autonomous, associations of experts and organisations, that have emerged globally as a strategic response to the demand for increased skills and capacities in the water sector, leading towards the implementation of integrated water resources management. More information on the Cap-Net networks can be found here.

Cap-Net and GWP Partnership for Capacity Development

Cap-Net and GWP have collaborated for several years in capacity development for sustainable water resources management. To increase coherence and further pursue joint initiatives on knowledge management and capacity development, the two organisations signed a Memorandum of Understanding in 2010.

Click here to find more about Cap-Net’s courses and knowledge materials. Cap-Net and GWP are working closely together on several capacity-development initiatives and programmes, including: 

Training of Facilitators Course for SDG 6.5.1

SDG 6.5.1 IWRM Action Planning Course

Integrated Drought Management: Monitoring and Early Warning

Gender and Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)

Multi-Stakeholder Platforms for Improved Water Governance

Nature Based Solutions for Creating Circular Cities

Gouvernance pour la sécurité des eaux douces transfrontalières

Del Aprendizaje al Liderazgo: Juventudes, Desarrollo Sostenible y Agua

Entrenamiento para Facilitadores: Metodología para la Evaluación de la GIRH a Nivel Municipal