GCF Project Development Workshop for SADC-HYCOS Phase IV

The Global Water Partnership Southern Africa and World Meteorological Organization (WMO) facilitated a Southern African Development Community (SADC)– Water Division and Climate Services Centre (CSC) collaboration with the Green Climate Fund in Phase IV of the SADC- Hydrological Cycle Observing System (HYCOS) project. The collaboration was in the form of a workshop that involved the preparation of a regional proposal to enhance the Hydrological Cycle Observing System, DRR and climate information services in the region, including scope and targeted impacts. The workshop was held on 22nd March 2019 in Johannesburg, South Africa.

The workshop targeted participants from the southern African region, including:

  • SADC Subcommittee for surface water hydrology;
  • GCF NDAs within the southern African region;
  • GCF Direct Access Entities within the southern African region;
  • Staff from the SADC secretariat
  • Resource persons from GWP and partners

The workshop aimed to:

  • Review and update the draft SADC-HYCOS IV concept for the proposed GCF project;
  • Identify gaps and opportunities for strengthening the project concept;
  • Provide relevant hydrological climate information and data sources for full development of the SADC regional project;
  • Identify opportunities at country and regional level and follow-up mechanisms; and
  • Develop a roadmap for full project development with opportunities for country involvement and collaboration.

 Participants also reviewed and shared information on the GCF Investment Criteria, as well as financing windows linked to the GCF Readiness Programme, the Project Preparation Facility (PPF) and others. Members of the SADC sub-committee for surface water hydrology provided provided hydrological climate information and data sources for full development of the SADC regional project. 

The SADC-HYCOS project is a regional component of the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) World Hydrological Cycle Observing System (WHYCOS) programme aimed at developing and strengthening national and regional capacities in the fields of water resources monitoring, assessment and management. This calls for the provision of water resources data and information in forms needed for decision-making on all aspects of integrated water resources development and management. The WHYCOS programme is guided by the World Hydrological Cycle Observing System (WHYCOS) International Advisory Group (WIAG).

The SADC-HYCOS project has undergone several phases, with the first two phases focusing on establishing a regional monitoring network (Phase I) and strengthening of the network and some limited development of hydrological products (Phase II). Phase III subsequently focused on disaster risk reducing activities of the HYCOS programme.

Based on the outcomes of the previous three phases, the SADC-HYCOS IV project is under development to scale up activities and initiate a paradigm shift in the regional approach to climate information to address increasing climate change risks. In addition, Phase IV seeks to increase capacity of the region for disaster risk reduction (DRR), and to generate hydrological products that will increase climate resilience in the SADC region.