
GWP at the 7th World Water Forum

GWP representatives will be at the 7th World Water Forum in Korea in April, taking part in many of the events and sessions of the conference. In addition to delegates from the global secretariat, some GWP Regional Water Partnerships are actively facilitating the regional processes.

One of the key messages the delegates bring with them is the call for a dedicated water goal on the post-2015 development agenda. GWP recently launched a global campaign to support this cause.

In the campaign, GWP states that a dedicated water goal will focus efforts around the global water crisis. Without this dedicated emphasis, water issues would risk being forgotten by the global community. This would threaten the progress of other human development efforts.

Speaking in support of the campaign, GWP Chair Ursula Schaefer-Preuss points out that water is needed in all key sectors: “Water is the center of development and therefore we have to make sure that water gets an appropriate place among the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”.

Although the UN-supported proposal for post-2015 SDGs currently includes a dedicated water goal, countries are continuing to negotiate this year, and the final SDGs will be agreed on in September. GWP's message is that now is a crucial time for national leaders and governments to speak up for water.

Global Dialogue Report

GWP is also organizing a High Level panel on Water Security and Sustainable Growth at the Forum, where a milestone report of the joint GWP-OECD Global Dialogue project will be presented. This initiative was launched at World Water Week in Stockholm in 2013, and since then an Expert Task Force has been researching the linkages between water security and economic development.

At World Water Week 2014, the task force presented provisional results of their research, which pointed to a causal relationship between water security and economic growth. At that time, Professor David Grey, who is part of the lead team for the task force, said that variability is key in determining the economic impact of water security.

The presentation of the GWP/OECD report is scheduled to take place on 13 April. Information about the event is available in the conference online programme.

World’s Biggest Water Conference

Every three years, the World Water Council organizes the World Water Forum in collaboration with the authorities of the host country. It is the largest international event which seeks to advance the cause of water. The 7th World Water Forum, which will be held in Daegu and Gyeongbuk in the Republic of Korea, will focus on the implementation of the solutions that were identified during the 6th Forum.