
This is the full archive of news articles and reports on GWP activities around the world.

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/ Global

International Water Law Training Strengthens Collaboration

A three-day (3-5 August) Africa wide Training on International Water Law (IWL) for improved transboundary water management in Africa has concluded in Entebbe, Uganda. The training attracted 40 participants from 21 countries across the continent; mid- to high-level practitioners from River Basin Organizations (RBOs) and governments.

/ Global

GWP Sponsors Online Course with McGill University

GWP has sponsorship available for eligible participants to complete the online course in Integrated and Adaptive Water Resources Planning, Management and Governance offered by McGill University’s Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.

/ Global, South America

Bringing Stakeholders Together in Bolivia

Eighty representatives from a diversity of water–related sectors participated in an informative meeting, held on 22 May 2015 in La Paz, to learn about the advantages of establishing a Country Water Partnership (CWP) in Bolivia.

/ Global

GWP Network Meeting 2015

The annual GWP Network Meeting 2015 was held as a virtual event for the first time on 1 June in Stockholm, Sweden. GWP Partners worldwide were invited to get the latest update on the network activities through a live stream. The event was also recorded and is now available on the GWP YouTube channel.