Reading Material for International Water Law Training

The below links are suggested reading materials for participants in the International Water Law training in Kampala, Uganda, 5-12 June 2016.

International law: facilitating transboundary water cooperation (Background Paper)

Everything you need to Know about the UN Watercourses Convention - same in French

The Global opening of the UNECE Water Convention  - same in French

UN Watercourses Convention User’s Guide

Technical Background Paper No. 21: Promoting effective water management cooperation among riparian nations

Public Participation and Water Resources Management (UNESCO, 2015)

Transboundary water governance and climate change adaptation (UNESCO)

UN Watercourses Convention in Several Languages

UNECE Water Convention in French and English 

ILC Draft Articles on Transboundary Aquifers in French and English

International Water Law, Volume I - Tignino

Le Fleuve Indus et ses Usages: L'Arbitrage Relatif aux Eaux du Fleuve Kishenganga - Tignino

Beyond International Water Law: Successfully negotiating mutual gains agreements for international watercourses

Getting what you need: Designing institutionalarchitecturef or effective governance ofinternational waters

Droit International et Eau Douce

Natural Resources and Conflict (UNEP)

Transboundary Water Management: an Institutional Comparison among Canada, the United States and Mexico

Le statut d'ouvrages communs et le partage des bénéfices dans les bassins du fleuve Sénégal et du fleuve Niger

A Model for African Shared Water Resources: The Senegal River Legal System