WACDEP West Africa: Improving the management scheme of the Nakambé basin in Burkina Faso

The WACDEP regional programme officer took part in the review and validation workshop of Volume 1 or updated status inventory report within the development process of the Master Plan for the Development Scheme and Water Management (SDAGE) of the Nakanbé Management area. The workshop organized by the Directorate General for Nakanbé Water Agency (DG-EAN) brought together members of the multisectoral monitoring committee Monday, November 24, 2014 at Nomgana, 20km from Ouagadougou.

According the Director General of the AEN, this study was launched almost a year ago in 2013 and the process was delayed a little bit and hoped that from now on things will accelerate.
The report of this study has been approved subject to consideration of amendments and comments made by the participants.
Some comments were made mainly on the need to review the maps produced and presented in the document; to update the data on climate and bring out the analysis on the situation of the adaptation to climate change in the basin. It was noticed also that the economic and financial analyzes could be improved with clear indicators.
This is an opportunity for WACDEP Burkina to contribute to deepen the economic and financial analysis and contribute to the integration of climate change adaptation in an important water management document in the country that will help define the investment plan. Monitoring and a clear roadmap should thus be defined in the coming days by the Burkina WACDEP team together with DG AEN.