CWP meeting in Dakar

The Country Water Partnerships invited to take part in the inaugural session of the Steering Committee meeting of GWP met with the Regional Secretariat and the Network Officers in the afternoon of November 25. This was an opportunity to review the latest version of the GWP 2014-2019 Strategy and GWP West Africa 2014-2016 Work Programme as well as initiatives and opportunities that may be of some interest to CWPs.

MM. François BRIKKE and Manuel FULCHIRON at GWP global Secretariat explained the how GWP is shifting from all focus on IWRM to work on components to address "water security» as it is included in the new Strategy. These focus areas are Water Security and Climate resilience; Water Security and Energy Security , Water security and food Security; water security and Urbanization; Water Security and Ecosystem and finally water security and basin management and transboundary aquifers.
Country Water Partnerships need to fundraise and there is a possibility of support from GWPO to develop projects. Indeed, the human resources available at GWPO and the entire network can be mobilized to assist CWP in the development of their projects.
Since CWP are close to the field action, they should identify relevant ideas for the countries, if need be 2 or 3 countries sharing a common point can propose a concept note that can serve as the basis for project development and fundraising.
GWP is growing but CWP cannot take advantage of this dynamic unless they remain in communication with the entire network and demonstrate a willingness to be supported by the region and GWPO.
GWP Chair, Dr Ursula Schaefer - Preuss came briefly at the meeting to encourage the CWP to continue the great work being done. The Chair said she was pleased to participate with a good sight of the challenges. She hoped that GWP supports country-driven dynamics. She thanked and congratulated the GWP / WA and CWP Senegal for the hospitality, and presented a gift to the GWP / WA chair on behalf of the region.
In conclusion of the meeting it was noted that:
The GWP new strategy aims at contributing to the development actions, with a view of water security through concrete actions. It is not about returning to sectoral actions.

The template of the work plan will be shared with the CWPs to enable them to develop their work plans according to the template.

Communication needs to be strengthened in the network to make better use of existing potential.

Upcoming projects will be primarily directed to the extent possible to countries which have not benefited from significant initiatives; but sometimes, the site of the project imposes the beneficiary countries. Likewise, the functionality and the credibility of a CWP are key criteria for selection of countries.

Each CWP was requested to define one or two priority sectors for a project, explaining the context, the relevance, etc. GWP/WA in collaboration with GWPO will summarize these project ideas to propose projects to be developed by the CWPs.