An initiative to boost FNS through fostering WEFE Nexus kicks-off in West Africa

The workshop to kick-off the regional Programme on advancing investment for Food and Nutrition Security (FNS)– in Water - Energy – Food – Ecosystem (WEFE) Nexus in West Africa was held in Bamako, Mali from 11 to 13 December 2017.

The event which gathered more than fifty (50) participants representing regional institutions like VBA, CILSS, IUCN, ECOWAS, etc. and target countries was co-sponsored by the Malian Minister of Water and Energy and the Commissioner for Food Security. Four countries, Benin, Burkina Faso, Mali and Nigeria are the target of the pilot phase of this regional programme.

The Programme aims to support the coordination of stakeholders and facilitate partnerships and dialogues in the WEFE sectors; to enhance capacity in the nexus analysis and project preparation to facilitate investments. It also intends to provide support in the management of the nexus knowledge and analytical tools at various levels and to facilitate the establishment of an enabling environment or enhance the WEFE nexus governance system, that will drive cross-sectoral engagement and implementation of nexus investment projects for improved WEFE in countries in West Africa.