
#Tonfuturtonclimat, launching workshop in Ouagadougou, 28 and 29 November:

GWP West Africa, International Secretariat for Water (ISW), the CWPs of Burkina and Benin and the NGO Eau Vive in Togo are organizing the inception workshop of the youth project known as “Tonfuturtonclimat” focusing on three pilot projects (one in each country, Benin, Burkina Faso and Togo) on climate related activity for youth and gender aspects. The Ouagadougou workshop will gather some youth organizations, officials and the partners of the project to discuss and come out with recommendations on how to better coordinate and implement the project activities.

Following the November 2016 call of the International Climate Cooperation Program (ICCP) funded by the Green Fund of the Government of Quebec, the International Secretariat for Water (SIE) and the West African Regional Water Partnership (GWP-AO) have partnered to submit the #tonfuturtonclimate project.

Generally speaking, #tonfuturtonclimat, which received a positive response, is seeking to develop sustainable, economically viable, replicable model projects with a tangible impact on the populations and whose young leaders in rural and peri-urban areas will be at the heart of the design, planning and implementation. Moreover, the expected results are already marked out and supervised by local partner organisations.
Between 2017 and 2020, the first three projects will be developed in Togo, Burkina Faso and Benin, thanks to the complementary collaboration of the National Water Partnership of Benin, the National Water Partnership of Burkina Faso and the NGO Eau Vive Togo.
It is within this framework that a first start-up meeting between the main stakeholders is organized on 28 and 29 November 2017 in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.