Celebrating World Water Day in Benin

CWP Benin has engaged a wide operation to communicate on the topic of the Day by organizing debates on the television and a conference in partnership with component C of the Urban Water Urban Emergency Project.

The CWP Communications Officer was on the TV channel on Wednesday 22 in the morning to announce the day and give information on the theme, its justification and on the various events planned at the national level, and on the Abomey Calavi Campus.

On Friday, March 24, CWP-Benin was with the media to inform and sensitize them on the status of wastewater management in Benin, and especially on the justification of the topic chosen by the United Nations for the WWD 2017. This action was done in partnership with the Directorate General of Water by providing satisfactory answers to the concerns.

WWD2017 BeninThe last activity of this series of communication was the realization of a televised round table in which participated actors intervening in the sector of the Wastewater Sewage in Benin. These include the National Water Corporation of Benin (SONEB), the National Directorate of Public Health (DNSP), the Benin Dumping Association, Cotonou Town Council, the Water Directorate, and CWP-Benin. The debate on TV focused on the theme of the management of domestic wastewater in Benin.

Other outreach activities will follow throughout the month of April.

Debat télévisé