WWD 2017 the Youth to educate through social media in Benin

The youth of the National Parliament of the Youth for Water and Sanitation of Benin (PNJEA) through their departmental representation of OUEME have celebrated Saturday, March 25, 2017 in Porto-Novo, the World Water Day.

Following a communication on the main theme of the day, the young people launched a petition inviting the various municipal authorities to take wastewater management into account as a priority in hygiene and sanitation plans. 

It was also an opportunity for the youth to launch a digital campaign on Facebook and Twitter called (#assainistaville @pnjeaoueme), which aims to educate their peers about sanitation and to engage them every month in public health actions. This initiative will complement what the Ojibwa Departmental representation of the PNJEA has done in 2016 by setting up Networks of Young Volunteers for Water and Sanitation (RJVEA) in eight communes of the department, where every month they carry out community, health and awareness actions.

During the WWD 2017 celebration, these young people also signed a water-sensitization drawing by Anita Fatundji, a young artist, a member of the PNJEA, specialized in water and sanitation tables.