Supportig CWP Senegal

The Executive Secretary during his stay in Dakar met with the new chair of the Senegal CWP, Mr. Antoine Diokel THIAW and cangratulated him for his designation as chair. They had discussions on the future actions of the CWP. The Steering and Scientific Committees are yet to be established and an invitation will be sent to partners for a meeting to establish these bodies. Project templates will be developed in order to link with on going initiatives in the country and allow the CWP’s functioning.


These initiatives include the review of the IWRM intermediate programme, a coalition that involves Enda/CWP/IDEV/Mayors of municipalities to study the issue of water management on the Thiès area.

The CWP Website has been activitated but there is a problem for its updating since there are no resources to recruit an executive secretary.