Global Support Programme for NDCs, Water, Climate and Development

GWP is gearing up for its continued support to countries on climate change adaptation, leading towards the implementation of the Paris Agreement. GWP activities under the Global Water, Climate and Development Programme (WACDEP) aim to strengthen the resilience of countries to climate change, and more specifically support to countries will focus around the Nationally Determined Contributions, the National Adaptation Plan processes, South-South Cooperation, and financing.

Key Activities Include:

  1. Support to formulation of NDC implementation roadmaps for water at the national and subsector level. This builds on existing and planned adaptation activities, NAPs, water related strategies
  2. Support to formulation of NDC investment plans and policies. This includes estimating the finance and investment requirements, sources of finance- linking national budget planning processes medium expenditure frameworks, absorption and financial management capacity and potential to mobilise private investments.
  3. Support to project preparation and development of funding proposals to implement NDC investment plansCountries will be assisted to prepare proposals for submission to international climate funds such as the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and others.
  4. Capacity development for planning, implementation and monitoring of water  related activities in NDCs and NAPs
  5. Promote coordination, south-south cooperation in implementation of water related actions in NDCs, NAPs and SDGs

The Global Water, Climate and Development Programme (WACDEP) which includes a portfolio of programmes and projects aims to support NDC implementation and build climate resilience through better water management. The WACDEP programmes and projects are developed by GWP Regional Water Partnerships in collaboration with relevant governments and regional economic development communities:

Regional NDCs, Water, Climate and Development Programmes (WACDEP)

• In Africa, focusing on putting in place NDC investments plans for water security and climate resilience and jointly implemented with African Union and African Ministers Council on Water (AMCOW).

• In Asia and Caucasus, focusing on the integration of  NDC, water security and climate resilience in development planning processes and putting in place investments for water security and climate resilience in China, South Asia, Southeast Asia and Central Asia and Caucasus.

• In the Caribbean, focusing on promoting NDC, water security and climate resilience in Caribbean states for sustainable development, implemented in partnership with the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) at the regional and country level.

• In Latin America, focusing on NDCs, water security for climate change adaptation and supporting the integration of water security and climate change adaptation into development planning processes and investments in Central America and South America.

Programmes on Flood and Drought Management

Integrated Drought Management Programme (IDMP) is a joint initiative of the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) and GWP focusing on enhancing drought resilience and aiming to promote better scientific understanding and inputs for drought management, drought risk assessment, monitoring, prediction and early warning, policy and planning for drought preparedness, and mitigation across sectors. A regional IDMP have been developed in Central and Eastern Europe, and other regional programmes are under development in the Horn of Africa and West Africa.

• Associated Programme on Flood Management (APFM) is a joint initiative of the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) and GWP. It promotes the concept of Integrated Flood Management (IFM) as a new approach to flood management with the aim of efficiently using floodplains and minimizing losses of life from flooding. The programme aims to combine IWRM principles into flood management practices and vice versa.

Deltas Climate Resilience Programme

• The Enabling Delta Life-initiative is a collaborative initiative between GWP and the Delta Alliance, supported by the Netherlands Ministry of Development Cooperation, with the objective to stimulate increased cooperation worldwide among those involved in the governance of deltas, aiming at enhancing climate resilience of communities in delta regions.