
  • Dam
    Structure built to hold back a flow of water
  • Delta
    Fan-shaped area at the mouth of a river formed by deposition of sediments
  • Demand management
    Measures taken to predict and meet consumer demand for environmentally sensitive goods such as water, e.g. through activities that alter water use
  • Depletion
    The loss of water from surface water reservoirs or groundwater aquifers due to usage at a greater rate than they are recharged
  • Deposition
    The gradual dropping or laying down of matter by a natural process, or getting rid of sediments as performed by an agent of erosion, such as a river or glacier; also called sedimentation
  • Desalination
    The process of removing salt from seawater or brackish water
  • Desertification
    Land degradation in arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas resulting from various factors, including climatic variations and human activities
  • Developed water
    Water that is produced or brought into a water system through the efforts of people (where it would not have entered the water system on its own accord)
  • Disbursement
    The action of paying out money
  • Discharge
    The amount of water flowing past a location in a river or stream in a certain amount of time; usually expressed in volumes (liters per second or gallons per minute)
  • Drainage basin
    All the land that serves as the drainage area of a specific stream or river; See Basin
  • Drip irrigation
    Common method of irrigation, in which water trickles slowly through pipes or tubes onto crops. Drip irrigation is a low-pressure method of irrigation with the advantage that less water is lost to evaporation than with high-pressure spray
  • Drought
    The naturally occurring phenomenon that exists when precipitation has been significantly below normal recorded levels, causing serious hydrological imbalances that adversely affect land resource production systems