Learning Modules

The learning modules bring together and guide users through all of the elements that make up a particular quadrant of the Framework. This is the relevant part of the Framework itself as well as the technical briefs that accompany it.

Different sets of PowerPoint presentation slides have been developed for each of the learning modules. The slides cover an introduction to the Guidance Note and each of the Technical Briefs that accompany the Strategic Framework, as well as additional information on selected topics to provide further explanation.


This slide introduces the Strategic Framework and it's components:  
Climate change and WASH, The Strategic Framework, Results Framework, 
Guidance Notes and Technical Briefs, and finally Stakeholders

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This slide covers the various elements that help to understand the risks climate change poses to the WASH sector, including an overview of the Guidance Note ‘Risk assessments for WASH’.

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This slide covers the identification and appraisal of options to improve climate resilience, including an overview of the Technical Briefs ‘Linking risk with response: options for climate resilient WASH’ and ‘Appraising and prioritising options for climate resilient WASH’.

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This slide covers the integration of options into existing strategies and plans, and their implementation, including an overview of the Technical Briefs ‘Local participatory water supply and climate change risk assessment: Modified water safety plans’ and ‘Integrating climate resilience into national WASH strategies and plans’.

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This slide covers monitoring and the lessons learned from the implementation of climate resilient development activities, including an overview of the Technical Brief ‘Monitoring and evaluation for climate resilient WASH’.

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