Stage 1 Results

The SDG 6 IWRM (Integrated Water Resources Management) Support Programme assists governments in designing and implementing country-led responses to SDG indicator 6.5.1, the degree of implementation of IWRM, as an entry point to accelerate progress towards the achievement of water-related SDGs and other development goals, in line with their national priorities.

Under the guidance of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and coordinated by Global Water Partnership (GWP) in collaboration with UNEP-DHI Centre and Cap-Net, the Support Programme brings together a unique blend of partners in each country, representing governments, civil society, academia and the private sector, in the spirit of SDG 17 on Partnerships for the Goals.

Since its inception, the Support programme has assisted over 70 countries in convening multi-stakeholder consultation workshops to report to UNEP as the custodian agency of SDG 6.5.1 on the degree of implementation of IWRM in the country. Have a closer look at the supported countries and read their Stakeholder Consultation Reports on our Results Map. Read more about our support to countries in the 2017-18 round and in the 2020 round.

Below is a static map of the countries supported during the 2017-2018 data collection round and the 2020 data collection round within the framework of Stage 1.