Cooperation in shared basins: what’s the recipe for effective basin governance?

This online session is planned for 10 October 2022. In the 13th installment, we discuss the impact of basin organizations, as specific forms of "institutionalized cooperation", on the sustainable and cooperative governance of shared water resources.

This event is part of ongoing efforts to engage more with participants of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Governance for Transboundary Freshwater Security.  

WHAT: The speakers will reflect on several key questions:

  • How does the design of basin organizations influence its effectiveness in conflict prevention, cooperation, and shared water governance?
  • How do RBOs promote cooperation between member states?
  • How are RBOs funded?
  • In what way do RBOs improve basin planning and management?

More information about the session.

WHEN: Monday, 10 October, at 08:00 (Washington DC), 13:00 (London), 14:00 (Stockholm), 15:00 (Nairobi), 19:00 (Bangkok), 20:00 (Beijing) 

DURATION: 1.5 hours  

HOW: Registration is required. Please use this link.