Webinar series: The power of Nature-Based Solutions for wastewater & stormwater treatment

Join us to explore the power of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) for wastewater and stormwater treatment!

Together with IWA Working Group on Nature Based Solutions (NBS) for water and sanitation, GWP is launching an online webinar series designed to transform the way we approach water treatment.

The third webinar will be on Lessons Learnt and Governance: Gain insights into policy aspects and first-hand experiences through case studies.

Date: 4 June 2024, 1 pm (UTC+2)
Register: On Zoom

We will welcome prominent speakers presenting insights into representative case studies and governance:

  • Ismael Leonardo Vera-Puerto, Universidad Católica del Maule, Chile: Technical and policy aspects related to treatment wetlands in Chile
  • Anja Pugelj, LIMNOS Ltd.: Lessons learnt from the treatment of wetlands in the Western Balkans
  • Robert Gearheart, USA: Free Water Surface Treatment Wetland in Arcata, California, USA (case study)
  • Ivana Korn Varga, Global Water Partnership Central and Eastern Europe: Maximizing the Success of NbS Projects Through Efficient Stakeholder Collaboration

Past webinars:

Discover the potential of NBS for wastewater and stormwater treatment as we explore various sides of NBS. Our webinars will shed light on:

  • Cost-Effectiveness and Co-Benefits: Learn how NBS can save you money while delivering multiple environmental and social advantages (March 5th, 2024, 1 pm (UTC+1))

    At the second webinar, we welcomed prominent speakers with extensive experience in implementing NBS:

      • Peder Gregersen, Centre for recycling, Denmark: Zero-discharge willow systems – sludge handling and climate change resistance
      • Anacleto Rizzo, IRIDRA, Italy: Gorla Maggiore Water Park, a park that treats combined sewer overflow
      • Ania Morvannou, ecoBird, France: French system
      • Rohini Pradeep, CDD India: Improved Pond system for Wastewater Treatment
      • Moderation: Elisa Costamagna, IWA WG NBS

      • The recording of the webinar can be found here: https://iwrmactionhub.org/discussion/cost-effectiveness-and-co-benefits-webinar-recording-and-discussion 
  • The Different Types of NBS: Uncover the diversity of NBS solutions and their potential to transform our water treatment systems. (December 6th, 2023, 1 pm (UTC+1))
    At the first webinar on 6 December we hosted prominent speakers who talked about different types of NBS and their potential to transform our water treatment systems:
      • Katharina Tondera, IWA WG NBS: Sanitation for and by nature: an NBS journey
      • Colin Herron, GWP: SDGs as opportunities to support the enabling environment for NBS
      • Laurent-Charles Tremblay-Lévesque, GWP: Importance of awareness-rising and learning and knowledge sharing as an enabling environment for NBS
      • Joaquim Comas, ICRA: Nat4Wat: an online tool to select, compare and explore nature-based solutions for water management

Future webinars:

  • NBS for Informal Settlements: Explore innovative solutions tailored to the unique challenges of informal settlements. (September/October 2024, exact date to be announced)

Hear directly from the designers and implementers of NBS projects from around the world as they share their invaluable experiences and find details on case studies in the book Nature-based solutions for wastewater treatment, published in 2021 by IWA Publishing (more info here).

Who Should Attend?

Our webinars are open to everyone interested in NBS including students, professionals in the water industry, consultants, researchers, practitioners, and policymakers.


We would like to invite you to register for free at the IWRM Action Hub and join the Community of practice on NBS in Water Management. As a member, you can not only actively participate in the discussion on the webinar, but also explore and contribute to all other features of the community.