IWRM Best Practices Featured in Central American Meeting

GWP Central America held its annual General Assembly in Costa Rica on April 1, with the participation of 40 partner organisations. The activity was organised as a parallel event during the Latin American Sanitation Conference (LATINOSAN 2019), to integrate partners in the sanitation discussions carried out during the conference.

The main presentation on the activity and financial report was delivered by Fabiola Tábora, Regional Coordinator. Partners were informed by Sara Oppenheimer, GWP Programme Specialist, about the status of the new strategy, including the future consultation process and launch date. 

Partners participated in a panel of best practices in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), at the different levels, including:

  • Orsival Fuentes from MANCUERNA, Guatemala, talked about the implementation of IWRM in the various municipalities they represent. MANCUERNA is an association of municipalities in Guatemala.
  • Vilma Chanta who works at FUNDE El Salvador, presented the rainwater harvesting systems experience in El Salvador, which was funded by Australia Aid and was a Young Water Fellows recipient.
  • Magnolia Calderón from the Panama Canal Authority delivered a presentation regarding the studies on multi-purpose reservoirs in the dry areas of the country, she emphasized the importance of communicating with communities in the sites they have identified.
  • Luis Moreno a professor at the Center for Research in Aquatic Resources of Nicaragua (CIRA/UNAN), talked about the contamination issues (arsenic) in many of the bodies of water and how the university is contributed to identifying safe drinking water and other solutions to deal with this problem. 

GWP Central America distributed a special edition of the Entre-Aguas, which included articles from partners and allies regarding sanitation. The document can be downloaded here.