The Global Water Partnership - Mediterranean is seeking to hire a Senior Programme Officer. The successful candidate will be hired by the Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development (MIO-ECSDE), a civil non-profit society based in Greece, in its capacity as Host Institute for GWP-Med.
The Global Water Partnership - Mediterranean is seeking to hire a Senior Programme Officer. The successful candidate will be hired by the Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development (MIO-ECSDE), a civil non-profit society based in Greece, in its capacity as Host Institute for GWP-Med.
The governments of Mozambique and Zimbabwe have pledged their commitment to tackling social, economic, and environmental challenges on the increase in the Buzi, Pungwe, and Save (BUPUSA) River Basins, shared exclusively by the two countries. The commitment was expressed through the signing of the Strategic Action Programme (SAP) for the BUPUSA Watercourses by ministers for water in the two countries, on 29 November 2024. The 10-year SAP was developed by the two governments with funding from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and technical support from the Global Water Partnership Southern Africa and the International Union for Conservation of Nature.
The Global Water Partnership - Mediterranean is seeking to hire a Senior Programme Officer. The successful candidate will be hired by the Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development (MIO-ECSDE), a civil non-profit society based in Greece, in its capacity as Host Institute for GWP-Med.
Moçambique e o Zimbabué estão a enfrentar corajosamente a escalada dos desafios sociais, económicos e ambientais nas bacias hidrográficas do Buzi, Pungwe e Save. Em 2023, os dois governos lançaram a Comissão dos Cursos de Água do Buzi, Pungwe e Save (BUPUSACOM) ao abrigo de acordos de cooperação alinhados com o Protocolo Revisto da SADC sobre o Curso de Águas Partilhadas de 2000, para liderar uma resposta unida aos desafios que foram intensificados pelas alterações climáticas e pela má gestão dos recursos.
The Pungwe River basin, shared by Zimbabwe and Mozambique, is rich in plant and animal diversity. However, the ecosystem is now under threat from human activities. In 2023, Global Water Partnership Southern Africa (GWPSA) commissioned an Environmental Flow (EFlows) assessment to understand how the Pungwe River Basin and its ecosystems work, the findings of which will help in managing the river and protecting its natural environment.
With technical support from the Global Water Partnership Southern Africa (GWPSA), the governments of Mozambique and Zimbabwe have developed a Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) for the Buzi, Pungwe, and Save (BUPUSA) River Basins. Upon finalization, the TDA is expected to inform the priorities for unlocking investments for reduction in environmental degradation, reduction in poverty, improved water quality, green and grey infrastructure development, flood control, and improved water governance of the BUPUSA Basins.