Central American Municipal Leaders Learn about Risk Management

GWP Central America organized a workshop for 25 municipal leaders and technical personnel of civil society that work on water issues. The event, which focused on risk management, took place in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, on February 23-27.

In Central America the recurrence of extreme hydro-metereological events makes it necessary to incorporate integrated water resources management (IWRM) as a fundamental element in risk management actions. The objective of the workshop was to strengthen the capacities of technical personnel who work at the local level on risk management and IWRM.

The content for the workshop included the regional political framework related to risk management, an integrated approach to climate change, the nexus between risk management and development, the relationship between the hydrological cycle and its variables to risk management and climate change, as well as adaptation to climate change and water security.

The participants were from the six countries of the region: Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panamá.