New GWP Web Shop Open

For its 20th Anniversary, GWP has developed a new web shop that contains GWP’s global publications. This is a gift to all GWP Partners and anyone seeking information on various water issues. The shop is open and available here – everything is free of charge.

Every year the GWP Technical Committee produces a number of resources on integrated water resources management – such as background papers, policy briefs, perspectives papers, and technical focus papers. Additionally, GWP publishes a range of publications in collaboration with its partners. 

Throughout 20 years of action, the GWP’s knowledge resources have continued to grow and a wide selection of knowledge products are available. 

All of GWP’s publications can be downloaded online, but many of them are also published in hard copies – these are the ones that can be ordered through the new web shop. 

How to search and order:

You can use the search field, upper right corner:

Or you can browse all items, language, type of publication, upper left corner:

  • Click on the + sign next to the publication/s you want to order and it will add it to the shopping cart (upper right hand corner).
  • To proceed to check-out, click on the shopping cart where you will see your complete order. You will be asked for your address details when you click the check-out button.

If you want to order more than one copy per item, please contact us at gwp[at]