CEE countries need better water policies (interview)

CEENERGYNEWS spoke with Konstantin Ivanov, Regional Coordinator at the Global Water Partnerships Central and Eastern Europe about the importance of investing in water that supports sustainable development, boost the economy and create new jobs and opportunities.

CEENERGYNEWS, industrial and energy focused news agency, spoke with Konstantin Ivanov, our regional coordinator, about the current situation regarding water policies and outlook within the Central and Eastern European countries.

Click on this link to read the full interview and find out what GWP CEE has to say to pressing questions regarding a post-COVID-19 recovery that is green, sustainable and inclusive, funding from the Next Generation EU, or National Integrated Reform Plans addressing issues from the past, such as infrastructure debt in water supply and sanitation, going all the way to present challenges.

Currently, according to the European Environment Agency, water quality has improved, however, there is little or no progress in some types of pollution from agriculture. Mr. Ivanov reminds us that investment in water can support sustainable development, boost the economy and create new jobs and opportunities.

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