The Volta Flood and Drought Management (VFDM) project is drawing to a close after four (04) years of implementing activities in the six (06) countries of the basin. Among the last activities undertaken was a simulation exercise to disseminate warnings and organise the response in the event of flooding in the ten (10) pilot sites spread across the six (6) countries of the Volta basin.
The session coordinated by GWP-WA was held on Thursday 23 May 2024 at the Senegal Pavilion during the World Water Forum in Bali, Indonesia. Facilitated by the GWP-WA Chair, Mr Abdoulaye SENE, it featured the distinguished visits of the Senegalese Minister for Water and Sanitation, Dr Cheick Tidiane DIEYE, and the Executive Secretary/CEO of GWPO, Mr Alan ATKISSOON.
Water is not only essential for Africa's socio-economic development but also plays a crucial role in sustaining natural ecosystems. However, the continent faces significant challenges in ensuring water security, exacerbated by the impacts of climate change. Gender equality and inclusion are recognized as vital for addressing these challenges and building climate resilience.
Stakeholders in Ghana organized on 29 and 30 April 2024 a national workshop to review the integration of disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) policies, plans, and guidelines at local, national, and transboundary levels in the Volta Basin.
GWP Africa coordinator Mr. Alex SIMALABWI signed on April 25 2024 the USD$ 6 million grant agreement for the AU-AIP GCF Readiness project to develop AIP national climate resilience water investment plans across 15 African Countries. More African countries are expected to be included.
PRESASS 2024 was organized, from 22 to 26 April 2024 in Abuja, Nigeria, by the AGRHYMET Regional Climate Center for West Africa and the Sahel (AGRHYMET RCC-WAS) of CILSS, in collaboration with ACMAD, the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (SNMHs), the WMO and West African River Basin Organizations.
The Regional Forum on Seasonal Forecasts of the agro-hydro-climatic characteristics of the rainy season for the Sudanian and Sahelian zones of West Africa and the Sahel (PRESASS), 2024 edition was held from 22 to 26 April 2024 in Abuja, Nigeria.
The Ministry of the Environment, Water and Sanitation is organising the 4th National Water and Sanitation Forum from 22 to 24 April 2024 under the theme "Water: Factor of Resilience, Peace and Development".
Project: Reversing Ecosystem and Water Degradation in the Volta River Basin (REWarD-Volta River Basin)
Title: Mission for the ‘‘Establishment and Capacity Building of National and Regional Coordination of the Users of the Volta Basin’s Natural resources’’
Duration: Two hundred and thirty (230) Man-day (MD) over a calendar period of six (06) months
Publication date: 18/04/2024
Closing date: 18/05/2024