GWP Toolbox open lecture at Gaston Berger University of Saint Louis, Senegal

An Open Lecture on the ToolBox was delivered on 28 March 2022 for 30 Students of the Gaston Berger University of Saint Louis of Senegal.

The lecture gave an opportunity to present and introduce the GWP Toolbox - IWRM Action Hub and to practice a role play exercise where participants were divided into groups to create an action plan for better water governance in the shared basin using the GWP ToolBox - IWRM Action Hub and another exercise to identify challenges related to the provision of water and sanitation services (WASH) using the GWP ToolBox-IWRM Action Hub.

The benefits, principles and design of communities of practice were also introduced to participants.

The lecture was facilitated by Mr. Laurent-Charles Tremblay-Lévesque, IWRM Specialist, GWP, Stockholm supported by the Country Water Partnership of Senegal and the Water Pole governance of water territories of Senegal.

The lecture covered totally its objective which was to introduce the platform, introduce participants to IWRM and to provide the necessary tools for the implementation of an IWRM project.