Chair of CWP Senegal, member of the bureau of the OMVS Basin Committee

Dr. Adrien Coly, Chair of the Country Water Partnership of Senegal (PNES), Lecturer at the Gaston Berger University of Saint Louis was elected to the bureau of the Basin Committee of the Organization for the development of the Senegal basin (OMVS) as representative of the scientific community college.

The Basin Committee (BC) is set up as an advisory body on the issues related to water resource management and environmental protection in the whole Senegal River Basin. Its mission is to propose opinions to the Council of Ministers.

The activities of the Basin Committee also deal with any reflection work that the Council of Ministers considers useful to entrust to it, especially as regards the good operation of the OMVS system or the management of the water resources of the Senegal River.

It comprises four colleges including (1) the college of public authorities, gathering the Government, national elected officials and local authorities; 6 representatives per Member State ; (2) the college of users, including drinking water and electricity producing companies, agricultural and pastoral organizations and structures, transport operators; 4 representatives per Member State; (3) the Civil Society College, comprising NGOs, users' associations and other segments of civil society; 3 representatives per Member State ; and (4) the scientific community, comprising academics and researchers, 2 representatives per Member State.

Dr Coly is very active on water resources issues, particularly at the transboundary level. His nomination is an opportunity to (i) revitalize the already existing convention signed between OMVS and research institutions, (ii) support the knowledge management process, (iii) structure training on water management and (iv) promote synergy on research issues at the basin level. His experience of the Partnership will be a great asset in supporting cooperation.