Climate Shield/Mono Project document to be finalized for the Adaptation Fund financing

From 20 to 24 March 2023, the Sahara and Sahel Observatory (OSS) in collaboration with its regional implementing partners, the Mono Basin Authority and the Global Water Partnership West Africa, organised visits and consultation meetings in the project areas in the two countries concerned (Togo and Benin).

This field visit and community consultation mission were organised as a prelude to the preparation of the MONO CLIMATE Shield project document to be submitted to the Adaptation Fund.

Among other sites visited, the site of DATCHA at the level of the bridge over the Amoutchou river, the site of the village "Fin digue" around the Nangbeto dam.

These visits were followed in Cotonou, Benin on 27 March 2023 by a working meeting between OSS, ABM and GWP-WA to prepare the regional consultation workshop held on 28 March 2023 in Cotonou as part of the process of developing the Climate Shield/Mono project document.

The Climate Shield/Mono project document: Strengthening adaptation and resilience to climate change through integrated water resources and flood management in the Mono River Basin, shared by Benin and Togo, is currently being finalised.

The regional workshop allowed among others to present the development process of the project, the main sections of the project document, the budget per component. The institutional arrangements with the roles and responsibilities of the entities involved in the implementation of the project as well as the results of the consultation process with local populations and actors were presented. The potential areas of intervention and project beneficiaries were also identified.

This project will be implemented by the Sahara and Sahel Observatory (OSS) in its capacity as Regional Implementing Entity accredited by the Adaptation Fund and executed at the regional level by the Mono Basin Authority (MBA) and the Global Water Partnership in West Africa (GWP-WA), as Implementing Partners. It is within the framework of its mission of accompaniment in the formulation of the document of the Climate Shield/Mono project that the OSS organizes in partnership with ABM and GWP-WA this regional workshop of dialogue which is held in person and on line in Cotonou.

The opening was made by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Water of Benin in the presence notably of the Executive Director of ABM, the Executive Secretary of GWP-WA, the Representative of OSS, the Director General of Water of Benin, the ABM Focal Point in Benin.

GWP-WA took part in the different activities as a partner in the design and implementation of the action.