Guinea collects data for AMCOW WASSMO

Validation workshop of the Pan-African Monitoring and Reporting System for the water and sanitation sector funded by the African Ministers' Council on Water and Sanitation (AMCOW). This activity was organized by the National Directorate of Water (DNH) of Guinea under the chairmanship of the director Mr. Mandiou Condé.

Many executives from sectoral departments and civil society took part the one-day meeting that took place on November 11, 2021, in Conakry. The aim was to fill in an indicator sheet on the water and sanitation sector. The data collected will be integrated into the WASSMO database of AMCOW.

As for the recommendations, the Focal Point, Mr. Abdoulaye Camara, was invited to approach some governmental structures to obtain the missing data and clarify some of the missing information. It was also recommended that the questions be accompanied by a detailed explanation in order to facilitate the completion of the form for future surveys.

The Executive Secretary of the Country Water Partnership of Guinea took part in the event.