Eau Vive Togo trains young people to better manage their association

About forty young people, members of the beneficiary’s associations of the project #TonFutureTonClimat and members of the local development committees were trained on the good management of an association including proper keeping of administrative and accounting documents, the preparation of texts of an association and the sale of agricultural products.

The event took place on 15 and 16 February 2019 in Danyi-Apéyéme (Togo) organized by Eau Vive, as part of the project to support young people in protecting the environment, water and soil (PAJPEES).

The results of this training are meant to help young agropastoralists organized in associations with little notion of associative life and without regulatory documents to pool their efforts, to help each other and to share experiences. They are better equipped to properly maintain management documents, better plan activities and establish a good traceability of their association's actions.

At the end of the training, the various associations received a batch of notebooks that they will have to draw according to the models presented during the training and hold correctly with the support of the local facilitator who is in charge to make the follow-up of the training so that the notions learned are regularly updated.