Mekrou Project 2 Niger looks at an integrated approach for pilot actions

The Project management team of the project organized two workshops in Falmey (Dosso) and Tillaberi from 18 to 21 October, 2022 for the elaboration of the action plan for the integrated management of water resources and other related resources of the pilot sites of the Mekrou Phase 2 Niger Project in the Mekrou sub-basin in Niger.

These workshops aim was to deepen the reflection on the problems of water resources management at the level of the different intervention sites of the Mékrou Phase 2 Niger Project to encourage the emergence of actions that are part of an IWRM approach at the local level.

The workshop gathered the representatives of the Water Users Associations, the Representatives of the Local Water Committees of the various Municipalities, the Deconcentrated Services of Agriculture, Environment and Hydraulics of the Departments, the representative of the Permanent Secretariat of IWRM Plan (PNAGIRE) as well as the staff of the Mékrou Phase 2 Niger Project.

The activities of this project include pilot initiatives for the protection and the judicious and sustainable use of the natural resources of the Mekrou sub-basin in Niger in order to contribute to the implementation of the Water Development and Management Plan (SAGE) of the Mekrou sub-basin in Niger. These initiatives are promoted by GWP-WA and its partners.

The workshops were facilitated by the Permanent Secretariat of PANGIRE Niger and GWP-WA through the Regional Project Officer, Mr. Maxime TEBLEKOU.

These workshops are part of the implementation of the "Water for Growth and Poverty Reduction in the Mekrou sub-basin of Niger" project (Mekrou Phase 2-Niger Project, 2020-2023). This project is implemented by GWP-WA in collaboration with the Ministry of Water and Sanitation (MHA) of Niger and the Country Water Partnership of Niger (CWP-Niger). It is financed by the European Union through its Delegation in Niamey for an amount of nearly one million Euros over a period of 42 months.