Mekrou project starts studies to operationalize IWRM in the Mekrou sub-basin in Niger

The Mekrou Project Phase 2 – Niger component has started an active implementation phase with the beginning of consulting missions for the operationalization of IWRM in the Mekrou sub-basin in Niger.

The Ministry of Hydraulics and Sanitation (MHA) of Niger organized in collaboration with GWP-WA and CWP-Niger, the scoping and launching meeting of the studies that should contribute to the operationalization of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in the said sub-basin. This falls within the framework of the implementation of the Project "Water for Growth and Poverty Reduction in the Mekrou sub-basin in Niger" financed by the European Union for an amount of EUR 999,986. Consultants were recruited for both studies focusing respectively on the "Finalization and operationalization of the water development and management Scheme (SAGE) for the Mekrou sub-basin in Niger and the design of pilot implementation initiatives" and the "Establishment, operationalization, animation and monitoring of the functioning of the IWRM bodies in the Mekrou sub-basin in Niger".

The scoping meeting took place on February 16, 2021 to agree with the experts and consultants involved on the methodological approach to carry out each of both missions so that the expected results will be achieved within the planned timeframe. The opening ceremony of the meeting was chaired by the Secretary General of the Ministry, Mr. Chaibou Tankari who recalled the importance of IWRM in the economic, social and environmental development of Niger and thanked the Technical and Financial Partners who support the State of Niger in the implementation of sectoral policies, in particular its National IWRM action plan (PANGIRE).

Prior the meeting, a field mission was organized from February 2nd to 5th, 2021 to meet local stakeholders and discuss with them practical modalities to smoothly conduct the field activities given the difficult security situation in the intervention zone.

The GWP-WA Executive Secretariat was represented by the Regional project manager, Mr. Maxime TEBLEKOU and the meeting was held as well virtually to allow the attendance of the Joint Research Center (JRC) of the European Commission which is implementing the scientific component of the Mekrou Project Phase 2