Niger, first phase ending of the IDMP is still mobilizing

Niger CWP chair led a field mission to monitor and evaluate the impact of the Kankantouti pilot project. With the end of the rainy season the women group has resumed developing the site. They have put back the fence, producing plants in the nurseries and preparing the parcels.

The 2 wells and 7 basins are in good conditions and exchanges with a few operators enabled the mission to observe the intact enthusiasm of the beneficiaries for the implementation of the site, the good measures taken to perpetuate the achievements of the pilot project. The women interviewed recalled the good results achieved in 2016-2017 and hope to achieve more by the end of the 2017-2018 campaign.

The mission then went to the agri-food processing unit where they found women in the midst of a training session. They exchanged with the 2 trainers (one man and one woman) on the necessary synergy that must continue to exist between the partners of the Union "Potol".

The 2nd meeting of the national member structures of the hard core of the Integrated Drought Management Platform in Niger (PGIS-Niger) was held on Thursday 30 November 2017 in Niamey.

The participants made some recommendations including to persevere in advocating for the financing of IDM projects meeting potential donors or contributors, especially CILSS. For a second phase, the recommendation is to push forward the project sheets already validated by the national and regional meetings, which deal with agroforestry on the one hand and integrated water resources management on the other.

The members also recommended that the national platform be formalized through an official registration and invited to integrate partners like ACMAD in the meetings and activities. Strengthen the advocacy budget for financing GIS projects.