Awareness raising on the flood and drought risks in the Volta basin

The national sensitization workshop for stakeholders on the flood and drought risk profile in the Volta Basin of Togo held on 23 to 25 May 2022, in Lomé. This was preceded on 9, 10 and 11 May by the Burkina Faso’s national workshop.

This workshop, the last of the series of six national workshops, is part of the implementation of the Project "Integrating Flood and Drought Management and Early Warning for Climate Change Adaptation in the Volta Basin” (VFDM) financed by the Adaptation Fund and implemented by the consortium composed of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the Volta Basin Authority (VBA) and the Global Water Partnership West Africa (GWP-WA).

The opening ceremony of the workshop was chaired by the Director of Cabinet, Mr. Boni Affo ADJAMA, representing the Minister of Water and Village Hydraulics of Togo, in the presence of Mr. Robert Yaovi DESSOUVI, Executive Director of the VBA, the Representative of the CIMA Foundation, Mrs. Anna MAPELLI and Mr. Agouda KPADJA, Director of Water Resources and Coordinator of the National Focal Structure of the VBA of Togo.

The objective of the workshop is to improve the knowledge of stakeholders at national level on flood and drought risks in the Volta Basin through the risk maps developed for the considered climate scenarios as well as the participation and involvement of stakeholders in the assessment and modeling of flood and drought risks in the Volta Basin.

This workshop enabled stakeholders in the Volta Basin to learn about the methodological approach used to develop the Volta risk profile for floods and droughts as well as the main results of the probabilistic flood and drought risk assessment under current and future climate scenarios for the basin and for each national portion of the Volta Basin.

The participants were presented the flood and drought risk profile for the Volta Basin. Also, participants were sensitized on how to integrate knowledge of flood and drought risks in policy and strategy development processes based on available technical and scientific information.

At the end of the workshop, the participants formulated recommendations for the integration of flood and drought risks in national policy making processes and for actions aimed at flood and drought risk prevention in the Volta Basin.

The VoltAlarm warning platform being developed in the framework of the VFDM project was also presented to the participants of the workshop.