Strategic planning of the Dakar Water Pole

This workshop held on September 07, 2022 was an opportunity to discuss the ten-year strategy (2022-2031) of the Dakar Water Pole (PED), the priority axes, the implementation modalities, the governance of the PED, the financing, among other issues.

Indeed, formally launched by the State of Senegal in March 2021, after a foundation phase started two years earlier and in partnership with the Geneva Water Hub (GWH), the PED aims to be a reference framework to catalyze cooperation, inclusive dialogue, governance and the development of innovative solutions to address emerging issues of water resources management in Africa. It aims to mobilize skills at the local and regional levels for the analysis of experiences with a view to fostering integrated water resources management based on the strengthening of hydro-diplomacy and peace.

In order to achieve its ambition, the present ten-year strategy is prepared, building on the achievements and challenges encountered during the founding phase of the Water Cluster (2018-2021). The strategy defines the Pole's niche in the context of emerging issues of shared water governance in Africa. It also analyzes key assets and sets the course for the next decade, starting with the objectives (general and specific goals). On this basis, the Strategy's Theory of Change explains the levers that will be activated and the mechanisms that will be used to achieve the expected results by 2031 - the date of the strategy's implementation.  

The CWP Senegal, as a partner of the Water Pole, especially on the IWRM component, participated in this meeting and largely contributed to the finalization of this strategic plan.