TFTC 2 in Togo trains on agroecological practices

In Kpélé, Togo, 20 delegates designated by beneficiaries were trained as trainers on agroecological practices so to allow them give feedback when they are back in their respective communities.

The three day-training allowed the participants to be equipped on different agroecological practices and how to implement them in their fields for better yield in a context of climate change and food insecurity. They acquired know-how on natural methods that will now allow them to fertilize their soils. They learned the manufacture of bio-protectors and organic bio input such as early compost, and various techniques (bokashi, solid and liquid super magro, ash broth, quicklime broth, that of sulfured lime, Apichi, the Nono bio-protective solution, the seed of Native Micro-organisms and the technique for obtaining biochar).

At the end of the training, a special radio broadcast enabled the participants to express their satisfaction and their commitment to continue the work begun. A community of practice on WhatsApp has been set up to allow participants to stay in touch and share their experiences on the implementation of the new knowledge acquired.