Togo, Eau Vive prepares to launch the project #TonFuturTonClimat in Danyi-Apéyéme

On June 26, 2018, the Eau Vive Internationale team in Togo met with the local authorities of Danyi-Apéyéme to prepare them for the launch of the #TonFuturTonClimat (#TFTC) project.

This meeting aims to present to local authorities the actions planned in the framework of the project and to exchange with them on their role during their achievements.  This upstream work allows questions to be raised, the implementation of the project to be marked out and local authorities to give their support, essential to its success. 

The project main activities will focus on raising public awareness, reforestation of river banks, construction of family latrines, etc. Particular attention will be paid to the role of local authorities in influencing and mobilizing the community.

Mr. KUEVI-KOKO Folly, Prefect of Danyi, thanked Eau Vive and its partners for the ongoing and planned work. He urged the local authorities and leaders to bring the information to their populations.

In addition, Eau Vive team organized a working session with the young beneficiaries of the Association des Jeunes Braves of Apéyéme (AJBA). This working session was an opportunity to exchange on the current level of operation and the situation of the association's market gardening and breeding activities.