TonFuturTonClimat officially launched in the three project target countries

The project TonFuturTonClimat (Your future Your Climate) has been officially launched at national level in the three target countries (Burkina Faso, Togo and Benin).

In Togo, the launch was done on June 16, 2021, in Danyi, bringing together about sixty people under the chairmanship of the Prefect of Danyi in the presence of local administrative and traditional authorities. GWP-WA Executive Secretariat was represented by Mrs. Aguiratou YARO, the GWP-WA regional Administrative and Finance Officer. #TFTC in Togo is implemented by the NGO JVE International (YVE International).

In Benin, the official launch was done on 24 June 2021 in Tanguiéta in the northern part of the country under the chairmanship of the Mayor of the city. About forty participants took part in the event in the presence of the Executive Secretary of the CWP Benin and the GWP-WA regional communications and Knowledge manager.

Burkina Faso CWP had already launched the project on 27 May 2021 in Komki Ipala.

#YourFutureYourClimate is an initiative of the International Secretariat for Water, Global Water Partnership West Africa – GWP-WA funded by the Government of Quebec, Global Water Partnership Organisation, Swiss Development & Cooperation, Agence de L'eau Artois Picardie.

The regional launch took place on May 3 and 4, 2021 in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.