WACDEP-Gender analysis meeting in Cotonou

A one-day meeting on root cause & barriers analysis of select capacity caps to inform Gender Transformative Approaches (GTA) to strengthening water security and climate resilience in Cotonou, Benin on October 13, 2020.

The meeting brought together about 20 professionals from relevant sectors to discuss describe root causes, behavioural barriers to change, and opportunity areas for focus. Participants also brainstormed on root causes and consequences of critical capacity gaps related to gender around water, climate and development sector professionals. They came out with possible entry points for planning to remove barriers to gender equality in water security and climate resilience in Benin.

The workshop was be facilitated by a team made up from GWP and Includovate. This was a ‘learning event’ that emphasized participation, engagement, and collaboration through small group work, discussions and reporting back.

GWP-WA was represented by the new WACDEP-G Programme Manager, Mr. Yaovi KOGBE and the VFDM technical assistant, Mr. Maxime TEBLEKOU.