In preparation of the White Volta Basin Investment Plan

Water Resources Commission of Ghana and Ghana Country Water Partnhip (GWP Ghana) organize on 10 November 2015 a one day meeting in Bolgatenga (Northern Ghana) to validate a two parts study in preparation of the White Volta Basin (WVB) investment Plan. The report updates IWRM plan for the WVB and provides the framework for identifying water resources management and related challenges in the basin. It highlights the socioeconomic trends, population dynamics and the general water resources conditions in the basin.

The White Volta Basin in Ghana has an approximate area of 50,000km square, and drains the entire Upper East region, 70% of the Upper West Region, and 50% of the Northern Region. The population is estimated in the WVB at about 2, 900, 000 with about 51% female.

The report reads that the WVB Secretariat will engage their Burkinabe counterparts in enhanced transboundary collaboration which will lead to the development of early warning tools for managing floods in the basin.

This intervention is done with the technical and financial support of the Water, Climate and Development Programme (WACDEP).

The Volta Basin Authority (VBA), WASCAL are taking part in the meeting in addition all regional, district level technical services, district assemblies in Bolgatenga. GWP West Africa is represented by the Regional WACDEP Manager and Regioal Communication manager.

A field mission is also organized to meet communities involved in Demonstratio projects in Bawkou, Bongo and Bendore.