Senegal, protection, restoration and sustainable development of water-related ecosystems in the department of Saint-Louis: what roles and initiatives for civil society

The department of Saint-Louis has a large reserve of coastal, continental and artificial wetlands, including the Langue de Barbarie, mudflats, lakes, etc. Indeed, of the nine (9) sites in Senegal included in the list of wetlands of international importance (Ramsar sites), five (5) are located in the Saint-Louis region. These wetlands are currently facing anthropic and climatic constraints.

Enda is facilitating a multi-stakeholder dialogue through the organization of a workshop on the protection, restoration and sustainable development of water-related ecosystems in the department of Saint-Louis: what roles and initiatives for civil society? The event took place on Saint Louis 24 and 25 August 2022.

The workshop was part of the programme to strengthen the role and place of civil society in the South in the implementation of a transformative 2030 Agenda, initiated by the Enda Third World network with the support of the European Union. The general objective was to identify the dynamics underway and to reflect on "transformative strategies and actions" for the sustainable conservation of water-related ecosystems in the Saint-Louis region.

This workshop allowed, among other things, to strengthen the capacities of CSOs for a better consideration of SDG 6 and SDG 13, to make the participants better understand the links of cause and effect between human actions and climate phenomena on the one hand, and on the other hand to better understand the consequences of the disruption of the water cycle on wetlands and biodiversity; to share CSO problems and initiatives in the management of water-related ecosystems; to identify mechanisms for strengthening the capacities of CSOs in the preservation, restoration and enhancement of water-related ecosystems; CSOs are engaged in the preservation and restoration of ecosystems and are co-constructing a roadmap (2022-2023).

CWP Senegal took part in this workshop through the participation of its Executive Secretary, Basile DIOUF.